Showing posts with label iPhone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone. Show all posts

Can not Install "Earphone" in iPhone 7?

The bad news comes back on Apple. After announcing the iPhone sales fell 16 percent in the first quarter of 2016, this time, excoriation visited seven unreleased iPhone.

Leaks from the Japanese magazine Mac Fan disclose details of the scheme "iPhone 7 Pro" measuring 5.5 inches. The phone is said to be a variant of the iPhone 7, in addition to regular and plus variants. Then, what is criticized from the scheme?

First, invisible presence of the headphone jack. In fact, these features arguably the universal standard for vendors to package a smartphone.

Worse, invisible proffered replacement Apple to perform the function headphone jack. Then, how can users listen to songs with earphones?

Rumor has been called the iPhone 7 will use Lightning port connector instead of the 3.5 mm audio jack her. This was done in order to get Apple's phone design is thinner than ever.

In addition, the scheme also shows the design of the iPhone that has no innovation. It seemed to confirm forecasts KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo few moments ago.

Kuo said the design of the iPhone 7 would be risky for the fate of the product. Because based on the scheme, the iPhone 7 has a thickness of 7.3 mm that is absolutely identical to the iPhone 6S Plus.

Good news

Though welcome criticism, there is still a glimmer of praise for the iPhone 7 is based on the scheme in circulation. The mobile phone is seen using a dual lens camera.

Rumors about the features that have been circulating since late last year. The latest scheme seemed to confirm its truth.

Read: iPhone 7 Plus Will Have Cameras Wide and Tele?

Even so, it is an unclear mechanism of action of the camera. Some analysts believe the iPhone camera seventh grade would be far from the cameras previous iPhone.

The other good news is the availability of the first smart connector found on the iPad Pro. This feature allows the device transfer data and charges the phone simultaneously.

The leaked detailed scheme could be demonstrated finalization iPhone 7. However, before actually launched, there was no leak product that can be fully trusted.

"Persyaratan" yang Wajib Dilakukan Pengguna iPhone Saban 6 Hari

Fitur pemindai sidik jari Touch ID pada iPhone mempermudah proses mengunci dan membuka perangkat. Cukup sentuhkan ujung jari, perangkat pun akan langsung terbuka.

Namun Apple tetap mengharuskan pengguna memasukkan passcode dalam kondisi tertentu, misalnya usai melakukan restart iPhone.

Dalam update keamanan iOS yang terbaru, ketentuan itu diperketat lagi. iPhone kini akan rutin meminta pengguna memasukkan passcode setiap 6 hari sekali.

Perubahan itu diketahui dari dokumen iOS Security Guide untuk iOS 9.3 ke atas yang diterbitkan pada bulan ini.

Di dalamnya, Apple menjelaskan bahwa passcode akan diminta apabila pengguna belum memakai kode tersebut untuk membuka kunci iPhone dalam enam hari terakhir dan Touch ID belum dipakai selama delapan jam terakhir.

Dengan kata lain, pengguna iPhone bakal lebih sering memasukkan kode passcode, meskipun perangkatnya sudah dibekali pemindai sidik jari.

Dokumen Apple menyebutkan ketentuan tersebut baru berlaku pada 12 Mei. Namun, Apple diduga sudah menerapkannya jauh sebelum itu, mulai pada tahun lalu.

iPhone Dinobatkan Sebagai "Gadget" Paling Pintar

Mulai dari komputer antik dan kamera Polaroid hingga drone dan kacamata pintar. Sepanjang sejarah telah bermunculan aneka gadget yang berperan besar dalam mengubah aspek-aspek dalam kehidupan manusia.

Ke-50 gadget tersebut mencakup aneka alat dari beragam kategori yang muncul di berbagai waktu berbeda mulai dari permulaan abad ke-20 (kamera Kodak Brownie) sampai abad ke-21 sekarang ini.

Di urutan teratas, Time menempatkan iPhone besutan Apple sebagai gadget paling berpengaruh. Ponsel pintar itu dipandang sebagai produk pertama yang berhasil menempatkan “komputer yang powerful” di dalam kantung pakaian.

iPhone menciptakan sebuah era baru di mana smartphone dengan antarmuka layar sentuh mendominasi pasaran dan menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan jutaan orang.

“iPhone adalah keluarga produk yang sangat sukses. Tapi, lebih dari itu, ia mengubah hubungan kita dengan komputer dan informasi secara fundamental- sebuah perubahan yang agaknya bakal terus terasa selama beberapa dekade ke depan,” tulis Time.

Inovasi lain dari iPhone yang dipandang mengubah cara orang-orang dalam berkomunikasi, berbelanja, bekerja, dan mengerjakan aneka tugas harian lain adalah software iOS dan toko aplikasi berisi aneka macam software yang bisa menyulap ponsel jadi alat serbaguna.

Tentu, meski dipandang paling berpengaruh, iPhone bukan satu-satunya gadget menarik dalam daftar. Time turut mencantumkan nama-nama legendaris lain seperti Sony Walkman, Nintendo Entertainment System, dan BlackBerry 6210.

Daftar selengkapnya bisa dilihat di tautan berikut.

iPhone 7 Will Use Intel chips?

Information about the iPhone 7 re-emerged. This time, the next flagship phone from Apple is called will wear homemade chips Intel.

Components of Intel is not the form of System-on-Chip (SoC) as the Atom product line, but the LTE modem chip.

It was unclear who would supply 50 percent of the rest, but it probably will be handled by Qualcomm that used to be the exclusive supplier of LTE chips to Apple for 3 years.

In other words, Intel took a majority share of the order Qualcomm from Apple. This corresponded to an analyst report from CLSA Securities, Srini Pajuri earlier, a call that Intel had "significant portion" of the LTE chip orders.

Intel reportedly deployed more than 1,000 employees to prepare the 7360 LTE modem chip that will be used in the iPhone 7.
Theoretically, this modem chip can generate downlink speeds of up to 450 Mbps, 100 Mbps uplink, and supports LTE category 10 and 29 LTE ​​bands.

For comparison, the LTE modem that is embedded in the iPhone 6S currently has a maximum speed of 300 Mbps, two times higher than the iPhone 6 earlier.